
  • Meet Zoe, who is now a one year old. This gorgeous album documents her first year, starting during Tara’s pregnancy and finishing with Zoe’s birthday. The photographic cover(first image below) also includes an image on the back from Tony and Tara’s 2007 wedding. This album was designed by Robin of Doodle Do who definitely has the magic touch for these designs. Tara’s “Baby Package” (3 shoots over baby’s first year and a year end album + an add on extra session) was purchased by several family members attending her baby shower and given to her growing family as a gift.…

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  • I recently traveled out to Boulder, Colorado to celebrate my brothers 50th birthday. In true spirit, it was a weekend of great music. We started at the Boulder Theatre on Saturday night for the Mark Vann Foundation Benefit which was an awesome lineup of musicians including Great American Taxi, Todd Snider and so many more! We then moved into the big ol birthday bash the next night with some of the same folk as well as a few others including my nephew, Tristan’s band, my niece Azures boyfriend, Scott’s band(whew, did you follow that?), Magic Bean and Taarka with Jim…

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  • I thought these were worth posting. Enjoy! HOLIDAY EATING TIPS 1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they’re serving rum balls. 2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It’s rare.. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It’s not as if you’re going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It’s a treat. Enjoy it. Have…

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  • Who doesn’t like Melinda? She is fun, outgoing, owns a smile that will cheer up anyone on a bad day, personable, hard working, caring, dependable and a great mom to boot! When she called me with her idea of “Putting the Dress Back On”, (my spin on a “trash the dress” session), I was psyched! You see, as an artist, we are always looking for those sessions where we can be creative…you know, fly, be free…..dream it, do it! To get to work with Melinda made it that much more fun. She showed up to Sly Park Lake in her…

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  • Chip called me a few weeks ago- it seems his old friend and new sweetheart was going to be in town and it was important to him to capture the beginnings of their relationship. Chip and Shannon met at Chico State years ago and were instant friends. Both were involved in other relationships at the time but they confided in each other alot and gave each other advice. Well, they have kept in touch and now are both free explore a deeper friendship. Oh, did I mention that Chip is a photographer and that it is a bit intimidating to…

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  • We met up with some truly wonderful old friends at Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondaks in upstate New York this month while visiting Jeff’s parents. Randi and Philippe joined us from Martha’s Vineyard with their family, Miles, Elie and Leo(the doggie), and Henry, Shawn and their one year old, Hugh made the drive up from Ithaca. We spent the weekend, kayaking, party barging down the lake, fishing, running, wake boarding, cooking great food, swimming, reading, and catching up with each other with long late night discussions and other general hoopla. Truly enjoyable! I went to Syracuse University with Randi,…

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  • As if having one blog to maintain isn’t enough….When my travel planner friend Melissa from high school asked me to be a guest blogger on her blog, I laughed! I told her, “I have enough trouble keeping up with my own blog.” She however assured me that it would be easy and that I just needed to answer some basic questions about photography. So I did and here is the link to some basic photography tips. Check out Melissa to help you with planning your next vacation!

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  • To my community, my clients, my friends and my family, I want to thank all of you for always showing so much love, for caring about my business (and me) and for always cheering me on. Your response was huge! To run into folks locally on the school playground or at the supermarket, to receive texts from clients interested in the KCRA results over the last two months has blown me away. I am completely humbled by your support. To be voted #3 out of 267 photographers in the greater Sacramento area is humbling as there are so many local…

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Lisa Richmond Photography

Freestyle Portraits

Office: 530-644-7980

Cell: 530-306-0210

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Lisa Richmond Photography

Freestyle Portraits
@2023 – All Right Reserved. Made with ❤ by Akhtar Nawaz

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