

  • This all day, beginning-intermediate workshop will be taught by Lisa Richmond on April 10 in Camino, CA and hosted by Kim and Bob Little. There are a few spaces still left. My goal is to keep this workshop small for more one on one with each student. The workshop includes a 50 page workbook and the time will be divided between in the classroom and out in the field practicing what is being learned using “people” as models. Field time will include both observation and “hands on” experience setting up shots, and using drills to practice your camera settings. Images…

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Lisa Richmond Photography

Freestyle Portraits

Office: 530-644-7980

Cell: 530-306-0210


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Lisa Richmond Photography

Freestyle Portraits
@2023 – All Right Reserved. Made with ❤ by Akhtar Nawaz

Lisa Richmond Photography – lisa@lisarichmond.com